Friday, March 9, 2012

Rashmi's Interpretation of Me

One of my (very few) good friend Rashmi , has wrote down everything true about me in a sonnet.....
and here's how it goes....

nikhil! He’z one of my good friends
Sarcasm or laughter! Well, that depends

He is humble
Ah! Don’t tumble

He can rip you apart
With his arrow like words you might feel your soul is fit to depart

His killer smiles are meaningfully confusing!
And for those whose freq cannot be at par with his, it doesn’t seem so amusing

What i like is he laughs his heart out
A happy go lucky guy no doubt!

His sense of humor pierces on the dot
Only selected few can enjoy it in the lot

Worthy and sensible he talks
But his new sign of prosperity is inciting he must take brisk walks

Don’t get me wrong, he z very friendly
But if you mess with him he might get deadly

Blends along with everyone
Makes sure people around him are at fun

Photography is his passion
Well his talent speaks out on every colorful occasion

A politics freak in total
Follows it every dam day as though it is a recital

A realistic guy who can at times get emotional
Be well aware! at work he is totally professional

Facebook is not his addiction to be precise
His wall is just his attitude in disguise

A hidden philosopher
Sometimes behaves like Columbus Christopher

A godly minded person he is
But can he sing a devotional song....Oh please!!!!

He believes "Moving On "is important
Though he bikes down when invited for the simplest of events..Isnt that being Obedient??

He feels missing "data trace"is not mandatory
If you are stuck in life, cmon how life can get revolutionary?

It doesn’t seem he likes "forgive" and forget concept
Well i agree to it sometimes with due respect

He accepts up and downs as part of life
Why not! When he possess such a cooperating wife

I guess i have spoken enough about you!
Wait! Did i tell people you are sometimes funny too?

I am happy i wrote this for you
If you didn’t like it, don’t punch me black and blue:)

He feels few people around him are crazy
But he accepts them, considers them without being lazy

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Roman Holiday - An enchanting light romantic comedy…

                 Every once in a while I come across a movie which grabs its own place in my heart.Here is a beautiful tale of a princess who wants to break out of constant advise, over protection, and bore dome with her royal duties and enjoy every moment like common people .
                The story unfolds over a night in Rome when the Princess Ann played by Audrey Hepburn who brings innocent charm and royalness to character, sneaks out of her palace on a trip to Italy.She is found on the streets late one evening by Joe the journalist, played skillfully by ,Gregory Peck who brings a smooth, tasteful touch to the character of Joe, who is a struggling newspaper writer.
                 Ann's holiday involves all sorts of normal activities which, when done in Rome and while accompanied by an attractive gentleman, transform her 24 hours of freedom into an ephemeral love affair. She gets her hair done, spends time walking the streets and eating in a café, goes for a ride on a motorbike, and visits a dance club (where her first fight occurs). Although she and Joe steal several kisses, their relationship never goes beyond that. Roman Holiday is about the possibilities of love more than the concrete realities. It reveals something most romantics recognize: the ideal love affair is almost always one that is never consummated. Especially in circumstances like these, fantasy trumps reality.
                   Audrey delivers a Oscar winning performance. If you don’t believe eyes can communicate your must see her in the last scene.More than 50 years after its release, Roman Holiday remains a staple of the romantic comedy fan's (like me ) movie library. Its a must watch if you are in love and its a must must watch if you are not.If you're in the mood for something refreshing Roman Holiday is the trip to take.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I have always believed someone somewhere is made for everyone and will reach her matter what?
Well the day has come ..and I have met her ..talked to her... and since then its just magical... just magical.
Here is a drop of pearl ....SWATI.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Something Stupid

I have been into all kinds of music these days.
I just happen to listen to a song named Something Stupid ...
and I have not listened to any song as many times as this one during whole day.
here is the song and the video with only lyrics. The song is sung by Frank and Nancy Sinatra

I hope everyone likes it !

Saturday, January 2, 2010


When all good things are happening in your life , the time passes so fast....
That's the case with me this year.Every thing was cool and i was away from the troubles (for a change) 
In 2008 my new year resolution was to learn some musical instrument.... but I never took a special effort to do that... when you are your own boss and there is no body nagging you to do something ; you wont do it.
Towards the end of 2008 I saw Dasvidaniya which made me think that if I am not gona do it now I wont be doing it ever... so immediately I decided to learn Guitar....I was lucky enough to get an awesone exeperinced teacher who teaches as a hobby and not for the sake of money... 
So I continued learning through out  2009(it will take 3-4 years to be a good guitarist so don't expect more :).

PS: I am not goin to telll what is my this years resolution 

Happy New Year

For all those I've made promises to and never kept - it was not deliberate but I will "improve" in 2010

Those that I owe lunches, movies, night out , etc, I'll fix that as well, I'll make time  For sure

For those that have supported me and made me smile through all my hardshipsI salute you! halaala

For those I've disagreed with, argued with and just never got along withwell, I'm Sorry!!!!!!! Let's try again next year

Those that I've hurtunintentionally/intentionallyI've already apologized "I'm Sorry" again

For those that stuck a knife in my back the past is all forgotten forgiveness is the best revenge MAYBE!!!

For those that have let me downoh well I should have known better

All the true friends that I have: you ROCK!!Awesome!

Congratulations to all the new mommies & fathers, newly weds etc, no funerals please guys

But all in all, you guys have made 2009 a great year; I wish you and your loved ones prosperity, good health, wealth, happiness, greener pastures, abundant blessings,
And Oh!! a wonderful festive season

May 2010 be the year you achieve wonderful things in God's guidance and strength


--received as a email forward

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mysore Dasara 2009

“It’s going to be too much crowd” that was probably the first sentence that everyone said when I told them “I am going to Mysore for Dasara this year “(and boy they were right :).

It’s been almost 4 years now since I moved to Bangalore and till now I haven’t been to Mysore once. So I decided to ignore everyone’s suggestion and went ahead with the plan. At first Akshay and Tanmoy were suppose to accompany me but then Akshay had to cancel the trip for personal reasons.

So it was now only me and the always energetic and enthusiastic Bengali boy (I should call him a man but I won’t) Tanmoy (whom I promised to go to Durgapuja with but didn’t go).

As we were not aware of how the schedule is going to be in Mysore so we had booked an early morning ticket from Bangalore City station. I had slept at 2 am that night (I was watching India losing to Pakistan) and I had to get up at 5 am to reach the station on time (which I thought I could never do but I did).

I woke up at 5.15 am and had no time to take bath so just got fresh and I was on the road looking for an auto at 5.30.hmmm so looking for an auto at 5.45 ,what the hell was I thinking, finding auto at 5.30 am in Kaggadaspura is more difficult than finding GOD (I am not exaggerating :). After waiting for almost 20 minutes I got an auto and after a long negotiation we agreed upon 200 bucks (normally its 100) .Reached the station at 6.30 am and met Tanmoy there we had some coffee and we were off to Mysore successfully.

It was around 10 am when we reached Mysore we just walked out of the station and Tanmoy spotted a Volvo; we ran and got in to the bus. We got down at the city bus station which was just behind the palace. Now the next big task was to find a affordable hotel to stay, we decided to walk around the palace and have a look around the area .We walked for an hour or so to find out a hotel, almost all the hotels were packed or tariff was too high but we managed to find out a hotel at a decent price .It was 10 minutes walk from the palace. We came to know that the entry into the palace only starts after 1.30 pm so we just took bath and rested in our room.

It was around 2 pm when we entered into the palace after the security checks. The entry into the palace is amazing; there were two life sized elephant head sculptures hanging on each side of the door. The carving was done with an absolute detail; I could even see the wrinkles on the skin of thee elephant.

The interior of the palace was full of exquisitely carved doors, expansive pavilions, delicate chandeliers, exquisite stained glass ceilings and decorative frescoes depicting scenes from the Indian epics. We also got to see the king’s Darbar. When we walked through we got to see some really awesome paintings done by greats like Raja Ravivarma. The palace was so huge, I was wondering how the hell these people traveled from one room to another, we finished seeing the palace by 3.30 and were really tired of walking. We just decided to take a break and sat on the lush green lawns in front of the palace. We sat there until the horizon ate the sun completely and the palace was looking awesome in that twilight.

We came to know that there was some cultural event at 6.30pm so we rushed towards the stage to catch a seat but we had to satisfy ourselves with the first row of standing viewers. The show began by Ganesh Vandana which was really sung nicely in Karnatic style which was followed by a Bharatnatyam dance by Yamuna Srinidhi which was breathtakingly beautiful.

At exact 7 pm the 97000 light bulbs on the palace were turned on in a flash and it was the best visual moment I experienced in my life. Every light is placed at a precise location to give the viewers amazing visual effect. We walked away from the stage to take some photos and after an hour of photography we decided to call it a day.

We came back to hotel and saw the Durgapuja in Kolkata on TV. You can hardly keep Tanmoy quite when they are showing Kolkata on TV, so I got to know about the Durga Puja and Bengali culture. It’s so awesome that we celebrate the same festival in different manner in different part of our nation. We were so tired that day we didn’t even know when we dozed off.

The next day we got up late in the morning and had a breakfast at a hotel nearby and checked out of the hotel to leave for the palace to see the procession which is the main event. We reached the palace at 11.45 and came to know that no one was allowed inside palace without an invite (We unsuccessfully tried to convince few people for the invite:). Then someone told us that we can see the procession on the KR Circle. Then it was again time for some walk. We took a walk outside of the palace to find out KR circle. On the way we found few police men were making the canons ready for firing to mark the end of the dasara festival. After a long and tiring walk under the sun we reached KR Circle only to see thousands of people already gathered there. And there was a remote possibility that we could see the procession. But again we were destined to see the procession , we met a guy who was having hathgaadi’s lined up so that people can have better view (but it came at a cost) .We paid the guy 100 bucks just to stand on that four wheeler. And now it was time to wait for the procession to start we waited for almost 1 hour on that cart and suddenly we heard 21 blasts of a canon which meant the procession had started from palace.

The procession started with a large number of tableaux representing all the districts of the State.Which showcased the cultural diversity of the State and offered a glimpse of the art and culture of Karnataka. The folk troupes with the rhythmic beat of the percussionists infused an element of zest to the procession following which the elephant Abhimanyu pulled the elephant cart in which the palace musicians were seated playing out a few tunes set in Carnatic style.

After this, the moment for which half a million people gathered arrived, Balarama the main elephant, who conducted himself with grace, with the idol of Goddess Chamundeshwari. There was a spontaneous devotional outpouring from the crowd. This brought to an end of the 10-day festivities.

So we managed to see the Mysore dasara and it was an experience which is going to stay in my mind forever.